The Self Discovery Path...
Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? For years, I felt lost and confused with my purpose… I just couldn’t seem to get a grip on my ‘life path’. After retail sales, cold calling, and having many other random jobs, nothing seemed fulfilling… In college, I spent 4 years trying out different majors jumping from school to school, and eventually found marketing because nothing seemed to fit just right. However, marketing and the thought of running my own business was something that I gravitated towards.
One day I visited with a friend that was utilizing the internet to make sales from his website at home. He introduced me to internet marketing. I never looked back after that. This was something that interested me because it has unlimited possibilities.
After getting a mentor on how to really become an expert in Internet Marketing a few things stood out. First, was having the right mindset to be able to create the life I wanted. Second, I had to get the right knowledge. I stopped partying, instead, I spent days and nights learning as much as I could. Finally, It was time to take action on what I’ve been learning. One thing is that you don’t know everything so the key is just to start.
It's what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you identify with, what you take personal, what you judge, what you like, dislike...It basically means Who You Are.
All you need to create the lifestyle you desire is the knowledge of how to create it, and the ability to put that knowledge in action. I CAN put the knowledge YOU NEED to market a super profitable business in your hand.
The doors will open up when you take fast action. Action will help guide you in your business development and set you on the right course in developing your formal business plan.
When you find your passion, success comes so much more easily. Your work is no longer something you “have to do”, but something you LOVE to do.
I am here to help train you, coach you, and guide you to
success. So use me as a resource if you need me. And make sure to be on the lookout for more knowledge from me about how to be successful in this industry.
- Establish Goals
- Put in the work
- Get Results
Facts About Me
A little glimpse into my life…
ENFP (the campaigner)
Early bird or night owl?
Definitely a night owl
Social Media platform of choice?
I like Facebook for networking, Instagram for creativity, YouTube and TikTok for learning and Twitter for news
Where Do you live?
California, USA
Have Kids?
Yes, two boys and a dog
House music DJ

Work with me
I’m here to FIND the right people. People READY for what I have to show them…then I’m looking to partner up and make
BIG THINGS happen together. If you feel like you’re ready, then I encourage you to reach out so you can learn more soon.